Friday, September 18, 2009

One Day to Lift-off!

After many late nights of packing and preparation, I think the boys and I are ready for the marathon trip to Gaborone.  The house is in order for the family that will be housesitting for us.  In fact, it hasn't looked so uncluttered since the day we moved in!  Fridge is clean and mostly empty, laundry done, dishes done, floors vacuumed (thanks to the housecleaner), cat litterbox turd-free, chickens fed and coop cleaned.  I call this "reverse nesting", getting ready for a major departure rather than a delivery (I have had enough of each).  The boys seem both apprehensive and excited.  Our cat, Cloud, just seems concerned about the reverse nesting going on.


  1. Dear Nancy & David and E, M & W,
    We love reading your blogs and being able to see the place you live (really rough) the school the plane trip etc. It makes your being so far away so much more tolerable.
    We leave tom'r to drive to Princeton-Dad's address, a game, an overnight in Hope & I return. Dad stays and we go to the Rudel's farm over Oct 16-19. I lecture at Scranton 10/20 and back 'til Dec at Mackinac.
    We love you,
    Mom & Dad

  2. Hi Puttkammer Saxens,
    It sounds like Botswana life has begun. The apartment house is slick, the pool inviting, and I roared when I saw the school uniforms. Hopefully, you will be able to see the boys in their classes and take some pictures. Gabs looks like any smaller town in Texas. You could be in Lubbock for all I know. Watch out for the pointy plants.

    David, it sounds like you'll have Gabs revamped traffic wise before you leave. How is Nancy's work going?

    Love, Gramma E

  3. Hurleys here. Your house is wonderful, so clean, but where's the housecleaner?

    Cloud is doing well with his new diet of fish and birds. He loves to hang out with Alice on Willie's bed and sometimes sleeps with her (and sometimes is grumpy). We think that he misses Willie.
